Headband hair extensions or headband wigs are great alternatives for those who are not quite ready for a full wig but still need or want the added features of a partial wig. These wigs are also ideal for those who are looking for instant length, volume, and body but don’t want to commit to a full wig. At Best Wig Outlet, we have a large variety of ¾ and headband wigs from the industry’s top brands and designers that feature different styles and hair material. If you want a partial wig to enhance your look and style, look no further than a ¾ or headband wig.
Hair Type
Extension Length
Headband Wigs | 3/4 Wigs
The Look of a Wig without the Commitment
A full wig is a big investment and requires much care and upkeep. A full wig can be uncomfortable and unnecessary if one still has most or some of her hair. Traditionally, full wigs were one’s only option to maintain one’s great looks when experiencing thinning hair or hair loss. ¾ and hairband wigs solve this dilemma by giving enough hair coverage to conceal those thinning or bald areas without covering up one’s natural hair. To wear 3/4 wigs, just put it on two inches back from your own hairline and blend your own hair with the wig by brushing or teasing your own hair over the wig. If you want to wear a headband wig, just put it on two inches back from your own hairline and you’re good to go. For a more natural look when wearing a 3/4 or headband wig you can either pull your own bangs out in the front or pull your hair back for an off the face style.
At Best Wig Outlet, you’ll find ¾ and headband wigs from top brands including Aspen, Elegante, Hairdo, Helena, Henry Margu, New Look, Revlon, Sepia, Toni Brattin, and Wig Pro. Our wigs are made of Remy human hair, synthetic hair and heat-resistant synthetic hair.
Whether you’re looking for something short, medium or long or something straight, curly or wavy, we are likely to find here at Best Wig Outlet. We also feature wigs in some of the most popular styles such as bob and layered. To learn more about ¾ and headband wigs or to learn how Best Wig Outlet can help you find the perfect partial wig to meet your needs and preferences, contact us today.